Friday, May 18, 2012

Only for you Janette.
1. post these rules
2. post 11 random things about yourself
3. answer the questions provided by the one who tagged you
4. create 11 new questions for the people you tag
5. tag 3 people

1. I like to play lego video games
2. I love all things Dental
3. I am scared of crabs especially woodland crabs
4. I would love to travel to a poor country and help people with their dental needs.
5. I listen to one song over and over again tell I get bored with it and then I'll find another to do the same thing.
6. I don't like to drive with music on, I would rather talk on the phone.
7. I wish I could have a puppy that would take care of itself
8. I hate pants
9. I HATE writing papers.
10. I would like to live in a theme park.
11. I wish Janette would stop chewing her lips.

1. What is the worst smell you have ever encountered?
People with periodontitis
2. Why do you like your first name, if you do?
It is a great converstation piece.
3. Name 3 people who inspire you.
Nikola Tesla
and family
4. If you were given $100,000.00 tomorrow and had 1 day to spend it what would you buy?
Take everyone I like to a European adventure.
5. What is your favorite ice cream brand and flavor?
Private selection Extreme moose tracks
6. If you could get remarried anywhere where would it be?
7. What type of house do you dream of living in?
I big giant awesome one like a castle.
8. What is your least favorite cleaning job?
9. What is your favorite characteristic in your spouse?
He is always there to comfort and support me when school gets difficult.
10. Would you rather be able to sing or paint really well?
Sing for sure painting takes to long
11. Do you like to try new foods?
No they are gross

Tag: No one!!!


Christian and Janette said...

Ha ha you would tag no one. Rude. Thanks for posting. I do the same thing with songs. Currently I like Goyte, Someone I Used to Know.

Clark Family said...

Me too, but I am moving on to Florence and the machine Only for one night

Christian and Janette said...

I will have to check them out too then.

Landon Family said...

Hahaha I learned a lot :)